• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • “We’ve seen larger technology and software companies prioritize skills over degrees because of the speed at which the industry evolves. Often, somebody may have gone to college quite some time ago, so what you learned in college doesn’t necessarily translate to skills that the job market demands,” Nguyen said.

    This has been the case for 30 years. The most basic point of hiring people with degrees were, it was used as a litmus test to see if you could commit to something that is difficult and expensive and follow through for 4 years. The second, and more important, was to help ensure you would get someone that knew how to read, write, analyze, and employ critical thinking.

  • They did. Its in the article.

    A company representative told Tom’s Hardware that the issue doesn’t require a redesign or re-spin of the Ryzen 9000 silicon and will not result in changes to the already-defined specifications for the various models. AMD will re-screen the chips pulled from the field to identify any with potential issues and then return unaffected models to retail channels. This indicates that not all chips suffer from the issue.

    An AMD representative told us that the company “identified an issue with our package product testing process for Ryzen 9000 series processors that could result in a small number of products reaching the market that do not meet our quality standards.” AMD specifically cited the package testing process, implying that the issue resides in the packaging implementation (more on that below).

    It says nothing is wrong with the silicon. I appears to be a problem in some units where the silicon die is mated with the materials that hold it (fiberglass PCB or its interconnects).

  • Best advice I’ve heard is to form close ties and mutual aid agreements with your neighbors and friends.

    My neighbors are heavy GOP supporters. The single political sign I’ve ever put in my yard was to support the Pro Reproductive Freedom amendment ballot measure (pro choice amendment, which subsequently passed!). All of my neighbors had signs in their yard opposing it. I had a neighbor that lived a block away stop me while I was mowing my law asking me why I support a law that killed babies and turning kids trans. Nothing in the reproductive freedom amendment language has anything to do with anything trans.