watch racists lose, again
Doesn’t feel like they’re losing at the moment.
It didn’t in 1940 either. Didn’t take them long after that, though.
They always lose in the end
We haven’t started shooting yet
Looking at how even WWII units were segregated, schools not getting integrated until the '60s, etc. I’m unfortunately not sure they really lost to begin with (which should not be allowed to pass again if there is a next time).
They lost the war, then Lincoln got shot.
Real talk, it’s going to be like the troubles or the early days of Nazi Germany, not like people forming battle lines and shit. The only way the latter happens is if states secede; one viable scenario I’ve considered is California/Pacifica seceding and a subsequent shooting fight over water rights, because of how much water California gets from the Colorado River basin and other water sources outside its borders. But realistically, it’s going to be shitty partisan on partisan on innocent bystander violence.
Best advice I’ve heard is to form close ties and mutual aid agreements with your neighbors and friends. A small network of people can be far, far, far more resilient in defending protecting themselves than individuals or families can.
Best advice I’ve heard is to form close ties and mutual aid agreements with your neighbors and friends.
My neighbors are heavy GOP supporters. The single political sign I’ve ever put in my yard was to support the Pro Reproductive Freedom amendment ballot measure (pro choice amendment, which subsequently passed!). All of my neighbors had signs in their yard opposing it. I had a neighbor that lived a block away stop me while I was mowing my law asking me why I support a law that killed babies and turning kids trans. Nothing in the reproductive freedom amendment language has anything to do with anything trans.
and turning kids trans.
…I’m so confused by his logic.
That’s because it’s not logic
Well, using that word is your first mistake.
Best advice I’ve heard is to form close ties and mutual aid agreements with your neighbors and friends. A small network of people can be far, far, far more resilient in defending protecting themselves than individuals or families can.
I read an interview with someone from the war in Bosnia, and he talked about surviving the war. He said big families, in one house, they had an easier war. When shit gets real is when “friends” start to evaporate or turn their back, a lot more than you would think. The single people, or little families off on their own, they mostly didn’t make it.
It’s because that war was about national (racial) and religious identity. Families usually belonged together then.
In Usa it will be a little different. Race would be one aspect, too. But more so your wealth/social status. A struggle between classes. Rich against poor, and many shades in between.
And maybe young against old. Conservativism has gone too far in both (still so-called) parties. “Left” may not be progressive enough anymore.
It would never happen, no one in CA wants to leave the US and figure out how to maintain a national robust military. Also it’s really unlikely any US armed forces would break off from the US in significant numbers, so if you want to enforce your new country, you need to navigate a potential war with a military that has bases, weapons development, troops, and equipment in the most strategically advantaged locations. You’d need to silently create a counter army, and have VERY risky attacks at nearly every base all the same time, and capture most of the equipment in the process. If you aren’t force marching hundreds of US military people to a secure location, you aren’t winning any war, and the only successful way to exit the US is to have a military strong enough to prevent the US from immediately seizing control of the state, or thinking twice about starting a war.
It’s infinitly easier to use the existing system to progress the country in the direction you want to go over all.
The only way the latter happens is if states secede
Still seems pretty unlikely at this point, but I could maybe see this. Especially with the whole thing around Oregon and Idaho right now. Could start seeing states reform along political boundaries. Those lines aren’t very clean, but they exist.
I think the rural areas would just lose by mass though. Also, nobody seems to understand the co-dependence between urban and rural areas so splitting them up with weaken both.
Watch the news and be depressed about it I guess. Also, being glad not to live there.
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I have been in this habit all my life and will continue to do so :)
I’m gonna visit this guys house…for like the next 60 years.
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Playing hard to get is just going to encourage the crazies.
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There’s a reason it’s called Long Pork, actually…
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I saw a clip years ago of a car or bike backfiring. People were panicing like it was gun fire. Even though NYC and The Grand Canyon look amazing, I would hate to visit an me on edge whether a shooting will occur or not.
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Head over and shoot fascists. What else is there?
This is the only answer if you love America
Probably just continue to talk shit to Nazis until one of them kills me.
Y’know, a life well lived.
Why let them kill you?
Its not about letting anyone kill me. I’m just realistic. I run my mouth a lot when it comes to Nazis, and I’m not a fighter. It stands to reason one day my rhetoric will piss off the wrong person, and it stands to reason that’ll be what kills me. Depending on how sadistic said person can get, there are worse ways to go.
Now I’m really kissed.
This guy gets it.
Starve? Die from lack of medicine/doctors? Get killed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?
So like, every day that ends in “y” in the US?
Focus on hit and run, and harassment tactics. Spec into speed and endurance, and use mostly Void Rays, hopefully we can wrap it up in mid game with a decent economy and a mid level apm.
Probably get shot by some Y’all Qaeda cosplayer for having a mixed race spouse. Whether this happens before or after my brother gets taken out for being gay is up for debate. I hope my sister is spared because her meathead baby daddy is a right wing useful idiot, but she’s an unmarried bisexual mother and that doesn’t pass the purity test, no sir.
I kinda feel bad for my mom since she was largely apolitical until a black man had the audacity to get elected president, but there’s nothing I can do to stop the parade of leopards once they go face-hunting. Doubly so if I’m dead.
What if there is a nuclear war just as an asteroid hits the earth while the supervolcano erupts during the civil war?
Modern anime titles are getting wild
oh man that is an lol when I think about it.
And it turns out the show is a rom-com between a female figure-skater and male ballet.
It’s the end of the world (as we know it)?
Hope it’s like the first one and nothing happens in California.
Bad news for you: California is the focal point of many of their current conflicts.
California is the 5th largest economy in the world. Let’s be real, Republicans are just seething that a place with liberal political policy is so successful. The closest they’ve got is Texas which is propped up by the very liberal cities and honestly will eventually turn blue with the current population trends
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As a Canadian: stay the heck away the border because who knows if they’re gonna launch a missile at Niagara Falls, NY and hit Niagara Falls, ON?
…pretty sure nobody’s gonna target Niagara Falls, NY. You have more to fear from inside Niagara Falls, NY, primarily highway robbery.
There’s a large hydroelectric power plant powered by Niagra Falls. The Church of the Holy Fossil Fuel will make it a major target.
I mean my point might be better made about Detroit and Windsor but you get the idea
Back in the day I was a soldier who could hit a target pretty well. But I’m 50 now and my back barely works for standing up, let alone fighting.
I’m going to be a meat sandbag for people to fight behind.
My too, brother. But I can still hit those targets, and I have rifles better suited for sniping, now, and better for getting through body armor. As long as I take out more than once of them before they get me, it’s a win.
Load the rounds and haul the hurt. Everyone deserves to be useful.
Take the US example and close all EU borders to american refugees. If you still try, we unfortunately have to put you into detention centers.
It’s so hard to get over there as an American anyway! You guys have these standards! And it’s not like we can just swim across the ocean and sneak in!