Did #julialang end up kinda stalling or at least plateau-ing lower than hoped?

I know it’s got its community and dedicated users and has continued development.

But without being in that space, and speculating now at a distance, it seems it might be an interesting case study in a tech/lang that just didn’t have landing spot it could arrive at in time as the tech-world & “data science” reshuffled while julia tried to grow … ?

Can a language ever solve a “two language” problem?


  • maegul@hachyderm.ioOP
    8 months ago

    @astrojuanlu @programming

    > Maybe nobody (save for the Julia developers) ever cared about the “two language problem”

    Yea, it’s what prompted my post. I saw in a rust forum push back on the two language thing but from the lower level side (where they were arguing about introducing lazier memory management facilities on the basis that you should just use swift/Python etc).

    And re MATLAB … absolutely! This is not a diss against Julia at all.