
“Farion was a member of ‘Svoboda’ (Freedom), formerly known as the Social-National Party of Ukraine, led by neo-Nazi Oleg Tyagnibok. She expressed open sympathy for WWII neo-Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera.”

Someone just shot her dead. Unclear at this point if it was anti-fascist resistance or a rival Neo-Nazi Banderite grouping that killed her. She was such an extreme Neo-Nazi that she even accused Russian-speaking Banderites of not being “true Ukrainians” and made many enemies.

  • Evilsandwichman [none/use name]
    3 months ago

    The Nazis were too Nazi for the Nazis; I recall reading (okay okay, it was a youtube video; we can’t all be nerds who spend our whole lives reading) about Hitler apparently getting upset that someone (in his cabinet?) engaging in historical study of German history because he was embarrassed by his ancestors who were (technologically) inferior to the Romans and the Geeks and didn’t want it to be aired publicly.

    Nazism requires willful ignorance to make it seem cool to its followers, similarly to for example the (gay?) division of Nazis who apparently envisioned themselves as being akin to the Spartan warriors of old and thought that as they had no interest in women, that the other Nazis would be free to pursue women with no competition from them and they would be welcomed. Their head was also a(n old?) friend of Hitler’s and had not expected that he’d be arrested (by Hitler no less) and executed. Lots of Nazis who think Nazis practice inclusiveness.

    • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
      3 months ago

      that was Himmler, he got really into paganism and wanted it to be the state faith of the reich so he would fund expedition to research ancient civilization including old german barbarian sites, hitler became mad there was no evidence of ancient advance german civilization so he hated his archeological reports and would latter made up stories about how for example the spartans werent greek but rather aryans/early germans