I wonder if they’re going to open up the Lebanese front now
They’re going to be stretched thin, if Hezbollah opens another front it will be another nail in the settler coffin
Yemen dropping leaflets over Tel Aviv telling residents to move to the Negev humanitarian refuge location. Weeks where decades are happening.
I think that was fake, that wasn’t confirmed from any news sources that I know of.
Oh really?
Incredibly funny though. You fuckers say you can make the desert bloom? Well go ahead, we’re watching.
my favorite part is that if you look at the Gaza strip prewar and compare it to the settlements near it you will notice that the backward Arabs have greener lands than settlements not 10 kms away
I know it’s fake but…
Really, Isn’treal over here making Yemen get out the car and pull a St. Louis on 'em.
Death to Israel
Luckily for Israel, they have targeted people who will surrender immediately because they are incapable of sustaining any kind of long term conflict.
We don’t care (x3)
Make it a world war
My heart longs for repeater rifles
By God, I had forbidden myself to live like this
I doubt they are ready for the retaliation
Another missile was launched but intercepted over TA. Unconfirmed yet who launched it
One more thing: how does factor in with the alleged arms transfer from Russia? I still don’t believe that happened, but I could be wrong.