More money in the pockets of entry-level workers sounds great, but Rachel Greszler of the conservative Heritage Foundation argues that such workers, and the economy writ large, are hurt more than helped by increases in the minimum wage.
Because negotiations can happen with any new legislation, and the US votes every 2 years to elect or re-elect members of congress. Therefore the political landscape can vary greatly within a 2 year span and it can be easier or harder with each congress to pass or amend certain laws. There are 7 years between 1938 and 1945, enough time for the political landscape to change multiple times.
This is a great example of why we need better education in this country. This is some constitution 101 shit.
I’m always impressed when ignorant people pretend they are experts. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 set minimum wage for 1938, 1939, and 1945.
And yes, I provided a direct quote from FDR saying as much. You just didn’t like it. We back to circling around things you don’t want to accept, Jimbo?
I haven’t circled back just noted that your only evidence that minimum wage was intended to be a living wage was from a claim by slimy politician and that you can’t provide any evidence to support his claim.
Look man, I’m here to have actual discussions. But we can’t do that when you flat out refuse to accept any source you don’t like.
I provided you with direct quotes from FDR himself, The DOL, and another user provided additional proof to refute your original comment on this thread about the original intent of minimum wage.
I haven’t disputed that FDR made that claim, my dispute the whole time has been the accuracy of FDRs claim. No one has provided evidence to support his claim.
Newsflash, Jimbo: it’s always done that. That’s how laws work. Until repealed they remain valid.
Doubling down on your ignorance, too bad you can’t own it. The 1938 bill set the minimum wage in 1938 to 0.25, 1939 to 0.30 and 1945 to 0.40. There was not other votes as you eluded too in your previous post, the political climate didn’t change.
I already addressed the evidence I did provide which you’re stubbornly ignoring like a child refusing to eat their vegetable
Back to this tactic, never provide support for your claim then lie and claim you did.
You are the embodiment of the Dunning–Kruger effect, you don’t know what was in the bill, ignorantly thinking is was 3 separate bills, and yet you try to come off as an expert.
First, you must understand you are wrong. Most liberals don’t grasp or have self-awareness. They believe that if they repeat a lie enough, it becomes the truth.
Bubba keeps saying I won’t concede when I’m wrong… The evidence is overwhelming I’ll have to concede your point.
The most eye opening thing for me was driving through the appalician mountains in the 90s, every run down trailer had a satellite on it. Consumerism has changed every want into a need.
I’m always impressed when ignorant people pretend they are experts. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 set minimum wage for 1938, 1939, and 1945.
I haven’t circled back just noted that your only evidence that minimum wage was intended to be a living wage was from a claim by slimy politician and that you can’t provide any evidence to support his claim.
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I haven’t disputed that FDR made that claim, my dispute the whole time has been the accuracy of FDRs claim. No one has provided evidence to support his claim.
Doubling down on your ignorance, too bad you can’t own it. The 1938 bill set the minimum wage in 1938 to 0.25, 1939 to 0.30 and 1945 to 0.40. There was not other votes as you eluded too in your previous post, the political climate didn’t change.
Back to this tactic, never provide support for your claim then lie and claim you did.
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You are the embodiment of the Dunning–Kruger effect, you don’t know what was in the bill, ignorantly thinking is was 3 separate bills, and yet you try to come off as an expert.
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I’m always amazed at your confidence, if I was wrong as much as you I’d have no confidence.
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Instead of getting defensive, use our interactions to improve yourself.
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Bubba keeps saying I won’t concede when I’m wrong… The evidence is overwhelming I’ll have to concede your point.
The most eye opening thing for me was driving through the appalician mountains in the 90s, every run down trailer had a satellite on it. Consumerism has changed every want into a need.