Thanks Dems for doing jack shit about abortion bans, trans bans, the cost of living, the drone strikes, global warming, COVID.

Might as well just call them Blue conservatives. The outcome of voting for them is much the same.

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Declared the pandemic over. Removed most, if not all economic and healthcare protections for affected by the pandemic.

    Still have immigrant concentration camps, just rebranded.

    Billions wasted on trying to create a forever war for Russia.

    Half hearted attempt to reduce college debt.

    No attempts to protect abortion or LGBTQ+ rights.

    Paltry environmental protection policies. Awful response to climate disasters that have gotten worse due to climate change.

    I could keep going, but you get the point.

    • RustyVenture [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I’m going to keep going lol

      Meddled in the rail unions’ contract negotiations, then he and his party broke their strike after his corporate-friendly PEB’s agreement was rejected by the unions. And no, the crumbs that were thrown at the rank-and-file after the fact does not make up for it, no matter how many flowery press releases from union leadership get pushed out there.

      Opposes universal healthcare, doesn’t even want a public option (but sure as hell campaigned like he did!). Likely not going to hear a peep about healthcare in the lead up to 2024, and this is with an ongoing pandemic that’s already taken the lives of over two million people and disabled tens of millions more.

      Wants more cops and more funding for cops after sucking all of the oxygen out of the Black Lives Matter movement and neutering all of their demands. Favors more surveillance and more privacy invasion.

      Doubled down on Trump’s immigration policies, sanctions on Cuba, and saber rattling over China, blew up Nordstream, bombed Syria (really, Biden’s entire foreign policy has been and is astoundingly inhumane and terrifying, even for a US ghoul).

      Continued to retain or has re-hired plenty of Trump (and Obama…and Bush) appointees who have demonstrably awful track records.

      Weak-to-no leadership even within his own caucus that has resulted in failures to raise wages, build infrastructure, strengthen regulatory powers, or combat an openly corrupt Supreme Court (plus, he’s rewarded the so-called obstructionists: Manchin and his family get pipelines and favors and special perks, Sinema gets to sit at the BBB negotiating table); that ended up doubling childhood poverty after spending a year touting its reduction by only half for some reason; that led to countless unnecessary deaths from nixing all sorts of programs and protections from a pandemic he pretends doesn’t exist even harder and even more callously than his predecessor.

      Above all, is simply Reagan in a blue tie, who is to the right of Reagan on several issues, more senile, and ultimately serves the entrenched power of capital and bourgeois interests that are destroying the planet. On its face, that should be enough for a leftist to hate his guts, but I also think he’s a racist piece of shit, a sex pest, anti-labor, a serial liar, and an all-around slimeball and shitheel, and I base this on his entire miserable life as a politician, which has seemingly been memory-holed ever since Super Tuesday.

      None of the above is “harm reduction,” and the diminishing returns of using the specter of a Republican doing worse only reinforces my belief that the Democrats are aware that there isn’t any effective distance between the parties other than aesthetics and won’t do a thing to change that perception, seeing as we get Republican policies regardless of who’s in office.

      1 year ago

      The vaccine was supposed to end the pandemic, but when not enough people got it to hit 80% immunity or whatever, liberal governments around the world were just like “uh, we pretend anyways?”

      Also, I do think that marriage rights have been federally protected in legislation after ROE was struck down and they eyed going after gay and interracial marriage.

      Still, I’d of course like to see him using federal land in red states to provide abortion access.

      That said, I do also think things would be worse right now if Trump had remained president.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        It’s not a sterilizing vaccine. It slightly reduces the chance of infection but it mostly just reduces the chance of hospitalization and death. The current vaccines cannot stop the spread of the virus.

        The actual language of the “marriage protections” just lets the states do whatever they want. It’s not real protection.

      • Rojo27 [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Don’t forget the recent decision on that baker that didn’t want to make a cake for a gay couple’s marriage. The SC ruled in favor of being able to decline service to LGBTQ+ people on the basis of freedom of religion and free speech. Something that could easily be abused to repress the queer community.

        I don’t think any of us here are pretending that things under Trump would be fine, instead we question the merits of the argument of harm reduction under Biden.

          1 year ago

          Just because I can point to a few examples of how things aren’t worse, doesn’t mean there aren’t still things happening. Biden or Trump, the Supreme Court’s makeup wouldn’t be different – Ketanji Brown Jackson wouldn’t be on the court, but she only replaced another liberal who otherwise could have held on another 4-8 years I think. These rulings would have happened no matter who was President, but they’d be in addition to everything else the Trump Administration does on its own (and I don’t even mean kids in cages, since that’s still a thing, I mean things like how he wants to be able to directly control most government agencies and fire public sector workers personally).

          The way I see things, it’s a sound political strategy for leftists to vote for someone like Biden and then use his liberal failures while in power to further radicalise people. IE, “yeah, he’s not gonna sign a national abortion ban or attack Critical Race Theory, but he also won’t expand the Supreme Court in order to protect these positions in the future”. I’d rather radicalise people by pointing out the failures of a liberal than by defending me and my friend’s literal existence from a fascist weaponizing every government agency against me.

        1 year ago

        All im saying is, that not voting blue means it wont be better it just gets worst. with no chance of it beckomming better.

      • robinn2 [he/him]
        1 year ago

        “The effect has been reformism rather than revolution. When any election is held it will fortify rather than destroy the credibility of the power brokers. When we participate in this election to win, instead of disrupt, we’re lending to its credibility and destroying our own. With all the factors of control over the electoral process in the hands of the minority ruling class, the people’s party can always be made to seem isolated, unimportant, even extraneous. If these tactics still give the appearance of revolution to some after decades of miscarriage, we are justified in replacing them as vanguard… Stupidity is not unknown to our long-range political policy makers. Participation in electoral politics organized by the enemy state—after recognizing that the whole process must be discredited as a conditional step into revolution, and particularly participation that tends to authenticate this process—is the opposite of revolution. It’s a tactic for the ultra-rightists. With history as a guide we could never make such monumental errors.” – George Jackson

        Democrats are not a “step in the right direction”, their only aim is to cement and enlarge settler privileges while perpetuating imperialism in the underdeveloped world (which has continued regardless of party). “Harm reduction” until the end of time is ultimately the idea that what happens to the victims of U.S. imperialism is inconsequential because we get a marginally better share of concessions, with the nonsense proposition that eventually if we get enough establishment democrats into power (despite marginal differences even in the realm of concessions) somehow there will be a “progression” made, and in 500 years the millions of victims of the U.S. abroad will thank us because the bombers who kill them will support Democrats and “civility.”