I feel like this is a smart move by Donald because we’re still in this fugue state where we’re almost certain Kamala is the nominee but we’re not even sure, and the DNC is literally 3 weeks away with the actual election fast approaching lmao. Nobody has seen Kamala on the campaign trail, people barely know her and the debate would be giving her added publicity.
On the other hand it might be a good thing for her, noone knows her so she’s just some generic Dem candidate vs bigbad baby that you can just VoteBlue for
Retreating from debates is definitely the right move for him. Kamala is evil but her brain is functional and she’s a perfectly competent debater (former prosecutor and all). It may have been overshadowed by Biden’s on-stage brain death, but Trump’s brain is also only operating at about 20% capacity on a good day. He would’ve looked like a mess.
American elections are won and lost on turnout, and the vibes-based voters are the most likely to stay at home. All those people who said the main reason they didn’t approve of Biden because of his age will vote for Kamala as long as she doesn’t fuck it up. Plus there are a lot of libs that are currently convincing themselves Kamala will be better policy wise, anything she says will make things worse.
My opinion is that to win, all Kamala has to do is not be Biden. Go hide and say nothing. She’s not going to do anything in a debate with Trump that’s going to win votes, but she could do something to fuck it up.
People keep saying this, but I remember her sounding as bad as the other 2. Either because she is always high as fuck or a particularly bad case of long covid. Being a successful prosecutor does not mean you have the debating skills of Cicero, it mean the states machinery is working to fuck over some random kid and you take credit for it.
She does have the debating skills of Cicero. Unfortunately, it’s this Cicero:
That makes sense, he does seem high.
Seriously, we already saw her in debates.
Her only moment that broke through was when she called Biden a racist, and now there’s a video clip of her saying that nothing she says in debates actually means anything while laughing.
Don’t forget, “Um, Mr. Vice-president? I’m speaking.” Libs were quoting that stupid comment for at least a week after that.
It really is frustrating to watch this shit and be like “what baby brained dumbass is this horseshit working on?”
And then the next monologue on Colbert is “kamala slay-ris spills the tea” with 10 million views.
Although I’m one of the views so maybe the masochist demo is being under accounted for.
They need to release a feral Hasan onto the debate floor to make it more interesting and get us
Doesn’t really matter since his entire aesthetic is to act and talk using the least possible brain power lol