I just happened to notice that the A.I. chat is no longer on the top bar of the perchance.org website.
I know it’s been having issues the last few days (ever since the summary update, really), but this is concerning, combined with the fact there’s been no acknowledgement of the bugs from the dev that I’ve seen.
I’m just worried that it’s being discontinued or removed. I’d be absolutely crushed if it went away. Just wondering what’s going on?
Trust me, they haven’t been. The AI hasn’t been able to remember anything beyond the immediate messages in whatever range it has. (Could you tell me the range, approximately?)
I’ve just checked /sum again, and get an error that says the thread isn’t long enough for a summary (no way to regenerate or anything. The thread is super long, lol.) Edit: did try triggering A.I. responses, but in the little status area where it shows “mem/lore queries” “generating” etc. It just skips straight to “generating” every time.
It is nothing much, I have seen this since like, last year. (Sorry I didn’t report this 💀)
Most of the time it goes away when I refresh it, kinda like Lemmy, where it does not logs me in automatically until I refresh.
Oh, very strange, I have no idea what is causing the ai chat header button to be missing for you. If anyone else is reading this thread and has the same issue, please comment. I’ve tested on my Ubuntu machine, and on several different versions of Chrome on Windows (using a BrowserStack machine), and the button appears like normal for me.
If you refresh the page, and then chat for >10 messages, it should start the summary process. It’ll take a few messages for it to get started, and it’ll take quite a while to “catch up” to where you’re at in the story if it’s a long chat (since the summarization process is iterative). Let me know if it you still get the “thread isn’t long enough” message (when typing /sum) after chatting for >10 messages, since that would indeed indicate a bug of some sort.
33 messages in and still no summaries. A.I. doesn’t appear to remember things outside of the recent chat content.
Hmm. Summaries are working for me on old threads, and on a new thread I just tried. I wonder if the bug caused summarization in that particular thread of yours to “break” somehow. If you’re able to try starting a new chat, and get it to about 30,000 characters, and still don’t see summaries, then that would confirm that theory. Alternatively, if you can share a saved thread that is broken, then that would allow me to debug this - you can delete text from the chat that isn’t shareable (just make sure you confirm that summaries still aren’t working after doing that). There’s a save button on each chat thread in the list - use that instead of a full export. But note that it will share the characters from the thread along with the messages. No worries if you aren’t able to share anything, of course.
Okay, I started a new thread, got it to tell me a short story and then some, still no summaries. I downloaded firefox and tried importing two threads, no summaries. I can dm you the new thread I made for testing if you need.
Edit: Forgot to mention I also went to older threads, which had summaries, haven’t been touched since the update, and can’t access their summaries either. So yeah, all my threads are like that.
Edit Edit:
Checked it in firefox, it’s missing there too for me.
Thanks for sharing test thread via DM! Found the issue and solved it. Let me know if you’re still having any problems. The problem was only happening with characters that had custom code, which was the reason I was missing it in my tests. Thanks again for your patience and going to the effort of DMing me an example! Makes bug-finding 100x easier.
Omfg I love you! (I had thought about the custom code as a variable but thought surely changing avatar size was benign.)
I did notice in the last few minutes before I checked here that it seemed to be working a little better. Thanks so much!
Lol, well I figured out what was happening to the header button. I had the desktop scaling to 175% (a recent change), setting it back to the recommended amount (150%) and reloading the tab restored the ai chat button at the top of the site. Weird.
Didn’t fix the summaries, sadly. XD