Credit to for wanting to see a 70’s style Trek. Considered alternate title Star Trek: The Final Funktier
- James Garner as Captain Maverick
- John Travolta as Commander Zuko
- Pam Grier as Lieutenant Foxy
- Robin Williams as Yeoman Nanu
- Ann B. Davis as Counselor Ahl’eec
- Tim Curry as Dr. F.
- Redd Foxx as Admiral Sanford
- Kurt Russell as Ensign Plissken
- Wilford Brimley as Dahar Master Cuae’Kur
Peter Falk as Constable Ombo
As you wish.
One more thing… this is excellent!
There is no way Kurt Russel was ever a teenager
Don’t worry. By season 2 they’ll age him up, “lose the eye”, and call himself Snake. It did wonders for ratings.
There’s an O’Neill with two Ls, but he never takes anything seriously.
Iroquois plissken, lieutenant Junior grade
Jungle boy Russel was a 60’s tv staple.
Kurt Russel was a child star under contract with Disney. His name was Walt Disney’s last words.
That image looks fuzzy … I’ve been adjusting my TV antennas for the past half hour, used tin foil and attached a couple of metal coat hangers but can’t seem to get a clear image … I also tried adjusting the TV knob to balance between channels 11/12 but still no good … but if I turn on the microwave and have someone stand in the hallway facing east, it works great, but they can’t see the TV … oh well.
… ah crap … typing this message just made me lose the entire signal!!!
Get your brother to hold the antennas while standing behind the TV. That way YOU can hopefully still watch.
“Yes, yes, yes! … you got it! … now just stand there! … and don’t move! … for half an hour! … awww!! … you moved!”
It was a never ending struggle to either direct the antenna person or be the antenna person.
Unless someone calls the house land line.
Beautiful … it even shows that God awful brown beige floral pattern wood accented living room furniture. Only thing missing is the wood paneling.
That couch and stereo… 🥲
Elizabeth Montgomery as Nurse Coven
Agnes Moorehead as Lwaxana’s motherSuperb!!
Darrin could be the Transporter Chief
He comes already pre-suffering!
Edit: My mixed GenX/Millenial/Trek age is showing. I assumed James Darren rather than Darren Stevens. Mea culpa. But fret not, for he is now Grand Nagus York!
Lwaxana Troi and Endora have the exact same energy.
(And Picard turns into Darren Stevens every time Lwaxana is onboard.)
Oh, now my relative “youth” is showing. When IninewCrow mentioned Darren, I assumed Vic. I must correct an error. Many thanks.
Maybe Marlin Perkins as Omaha Command
Needs more Lenny and Squiggy.
Happy cake day! Outta Sight: The Next Funkification is the TV movie that was sold to the network as a Christmas special. OS:TNF tied up some loose ends, but left fans wanting more.
Engineering: Admiral, we’ve lost the anti-matter phase couplings
Admiral: You big dummy!
(Laugh track)
I see Captain M. as a smooth talking diplomat/glad hander, but Lt. Foxy and Yeoman Nanu do all the paperwork and reject leola shipments from Starfleet Bureau of Supply. Commander Zuko is blitzed all the time on something, but great at navigation/Astrometrics if you leave him alone.
This just made me realize Tim Curry has never been on Star Trek. We have been wronged, and the situation must be remedied immediately before it is too late.
Commander Lahng J’han Solvarre
Wilford Brimley as Dahar Master Cuae’Kur!!! Great bird, I just got it after 22 re readings. This brain, she still functions.
You still got there. Counts for something.
Almost went with Dahar Master D’Bitus.
Haha I can’t choose. Both are 10/10