Best Adventure - Short Form

Best Adventure - Long Form

Best Aid/Accessory - Digital

Best Aid/Accessory - Non-Digital

Best RPG Related Product

Best Community Content

Best Art, Cover

Best Art, Interior

Best Cartography

Best Monster/Adversary
This was a tie.

Best Layout & Design

Best Production Values

Best Online Content

Best Streaming Content

Best Supplement

Best Free Product

Best Family Game

Best Rules

Best Setting

Best Writing

Fan Favorite Publisher

Best Game

Product of the Year

(Copy-pasted from here. Haven’t found a blog post yet.)

    1 month ago

    Congrats to Justin Alexander and Kelsey Dionne. I’ve used both of their stuff in the past (although neither of the specific things that won here). They are both great creators.

    I’ve been reading a bit on Shadowdark and it seems neat (I’ve never played OSR before)