
  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    7 months ago

    Now realistically I know that a shutdown of Google would probably take place over a span of months to over a year and would largely involve some or all Google services getting sold off and possibly rebranded, and the shutdown would see plenty of communication with end users about how the shutdown impacts them. But I find it infinitely more amusing to imagine a timeline where every single Google service is shut down all at once without any warning whatsoever. Millions of people are locked out of their accounts on different websites, and countless websites break. The Play Store and Chrome Web Store stop working and lots of software stops updating. Everyone who relied on Google Maps or YouTube or Google Docs or really any Google service whatsoever for any reason is just completely screwed over. Tech stores stop stocking Chromebooks and Android phones, and instead sell them for scrap.

    Then within the span of a year, innumerable websites have shut down, and innumerable businesses have gone bankrupt, dominoes knocking over dominoes such that even more websites and businesses shut down, and then even more and even more, and all in all the shutdown of Google ends up being the one thing that causes mankind to collectively stop using the Internet so much.

    We made it, Mr. Calhoun. We made it.
