Archived copies of the article: ghostarchive.org archive.today web.archive.org
They have our money, and it should be used to pay for remediation. Soon.
C’mon Canada, let’s do this here!
I like it. More please
And we watch, hopeful, as the days scorch the Earth. How long will the watchers keep watching?
Why shame only Big Oil? Small Oil destroys the planet too.
Big oil is doing it much faster.
Which would you rather fight, 1 horse sized oil or 100 duck sized oils?
The 1 horse sized oil sounds easier to keep track of so I vote the horse.
And everyone cared! … For about 5 minutes, then we were at the next news item and forgot all about this again.
It takes not just doing something like this once, but again and again until it sinks into public consciousness and is seen as just something everyone knows