Umm… Okay, trying not to think too hard, his shit operates at like a fourth grade level. Does he mean Kama-blah? Because it reads like a typo, or like he’s trying to say her name while really congested.
the truth™ app started lagging and he just kept typing
Kamablah would be alright by his standards, sundowned, but he has to post better in general to stand any chance. It does not roll off the tongue though.
Umm… Okay, trying not to think too hard, his shit operates at like a fourth grade level. Does he mean Kama-blah? Because it reads like a typo, or like he’s trying to say her name while really congested.
it’s like he’s trying to do a remix of the old hit “Obamna”
Obamna hamberder sussy balls
kanye east
the truth™ app started lagging and he just kept typing
Kamablah would be alright by his standards, sundowned, but he has to post better in general to stand any chance. It does not roll off the tongue though.
omg somebody here predicted “Kablahblah” as a nickname
Ha, thank you, thank you. Do I win anything? Tokens for future turns on the lathe?
I thought it was a reference to the mob