Despite the massive breach where we found out that notes (where lots of people stored previous passwords) were not stored encrypted by Lastpass, I have stuck with them for years because its hard to switch services.

Recently I realized that both my wife and I were paying for 2 separate password manager services and we need to consolidate down to one.

Staying with LastPass and moving to a family account would only cost $4/m which is still 1/2 what we were paying combined.

Is there another manager that offers Apple, Android, and Browser based applications/plugins? Ideally also with an authentication app, though I can swap to any authentication if I need to so its just a nice to have.

    7 months ago

    I think bitwarden checks all the boxes. It’s 3.33$ per month for a family plan ( 6 users). I’ve used it for a long time and I’m happy with it.

    If you want more privacy you can always self host vault warden and use that. In which case you have full access to the premium features and you just pay the hosting costs.

    Bitwarden can be set as the default password manager in browsers. Stores TOTP codes, has a browser plugin, has android app and iOS app.

    Works flawlessly in my experience ( Linux/macbook/android).

    No experience with iphones, but I assume it is fully supported.

      7 months ago

      I’ll echo everything above. I moved from LastPass as soon as I heard it got bought by a private equity firm and I’ve loved Bitwarden. Well worth the small amount they charge.

      Does indeed work fine on all of the above and I can confirm iOS is good to go.