This fucking sucks. I had a leg injury which had handicapped me for years and I finally trained my way out of it a couple of months ago and now I might have a disc herniation.
This is what you get for posting about how your legs kill billionaires.

  • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    1 month ago

    Besides sympathy I can offer you a little pain advice, but I am not a doctor, I just got family who have arthritis. If the pain is in the muscles use ibuprofen. If it’s in the bones use naproxen. If you need sustained inflammation control you can safely take ibuprofen and acetaminophen at the same time just keep track of your doses and stay under each drug’s daily limit. Drink lots of water as it helps the body manage swelling better.

    I hope it’s nothing serious and you can see a doctor soon.