Many in the crypto and privacy community mistakenly trust Telegram because it’s “end to end encrypted”, but there are huge issues including not hiding the metadata, censorship, centralization, and phone numbers.
Send this video to your friend that asks why you won’t join:
I think you missed the most important part: all accounts are tied to a phone number
Except that’s not even true…
And for most people, it doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t. I’m not even going to argue about that. I personally couldn’t care less about instant messaging with anonymity; anonymity and private are completely separate concerns.
I dont know what happened, but unfortunately that article is misinformation.
I was excited to sign up for telegram without a phone number, but the very first thing it asks you when you open the app is to enter your phone number. It won’t let you proceed without it.
@library_napper @Dark_Arc Maybe wait a few days.
That article was written in Dec 2022. either something was lost in translation or Telegram ditched the idea.
As stated before, you cannot use telegram without a phone number, which is a threat to security, anonymity, and privacy.