So much visceral meanness. What did twinks do to her?
Honestly, I’m just glad to hear Puerto Ricans being mentioned
Someone is like “Let’s kill all the Puerto Ricans” and I just go "That’s me!
Must have loved that Smiling Friends episode
I did
It me!
I actually mentioned Puerto Ricans today. Namely that I’ve never seen my Puerto Rican friends or co-workers ever have a bad hair-day. In any case, giving up on this round of growing out a ponytail.
My barber doesn’t believe that all I do with my hair is shampoo and conditioner
Naturally thick and wavy
Did you know that I’m Puerto Rican living there or is this just a coincidence you made the comment?
I’m Puerto Rican too!
Not living on the island though
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I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Anything from Hollywood is mostly insulting to everyone outside America
Edit : and a few people in America too, but may a plague be on your houses anyway
Ok, but if ur from eur*pe please shut thebfuck up
Awwww did I hurt you ?
U really are euro lmao?
Psst, don’t ask the smug Euro what they think of Romani
Whenever I need a quote from Mein Kampf or forget parts of it, I just post a picture of some Romani doing normal stuff on a European message board.
More butt hurt US nationalist ! Here on hexbear !
You didn’t have to respond at all, but you did, and you haven’t really denied what I already said, have you?
Oh say can you see, By the Dawns early light…
You can’t help yourself can you ?
I just want to enjoy wolf warrior 1&2 in peace
The old 1980s sci-fi horror movie “Leviathan” had an extraordinarily stupid final few minutes.
If the movie ended with the last second escape and the exploding underwater base, it’d have been fine. But everything after was
And I may as well kick Gambo when it’s down while I’m here: even if I liked that trash, building up “WINTER IS COMING™®” for that long in the show, getting theorycrafters and lore enjoyers all excited about the symbolism of some great apocalyptic crisis that all the noble murderfuckers were ignoring during their murderfucking sprees, and then yoinking away that big great apocalyptic danger instantly with a single backstab was a whiplash of disappointment.
did she make you feel bad about your neon sign
Dunno. The only way i’m willing to interact with anything Garth Ennis has touched is gonad kicking, or locker shoving. I hate that man. He’s like the platonic ideal of shitty caring about things is dumb gen x whiny nihilism.
Like nobody writes damaged tough guys like Ennis, but at the same time he really doesn’t touch on why they’re damaged aside from A) Dead Family or B) Made to do Bad by poindexters
Like I appreciate his iconoclast work (because it’s funny to see Wolverine getting run over by a steamroller) and Hitman and Punisher MAX are amazing
But yeah, guy really needs to look into a mirror to see that his love of Army men is basically no better than someone being too into to superheroes
There is a crossed movie in the makes and I’m just
I think they scrapped it because there’s no way to make it live action without getting an NC-17 rating. There was a Crossed-like film from Taiwan a few years ago. Less SA than Crossed, but it was still there (offscreen) and a lot of blood.
God I can only hope, it’s an okay concept that just gets run into the ground bc the author needs to be an edgelord
Yeah most of the series is just bad. A few of the ones written by Ennis were okay. Fatal Englishman, Smokey and the twins, and the prehistoric crossed story were actually decent. Plus 100 was actually good, but that’s because it was written by Alan Moore. Everything else was just blegh. Edgy for the sake of being edgy. The art quality plummets off a cliff, too.
Glad I pirated the series and never bought any actual comics lol
From someone who read most of the comics(for some fucking reason):
lol this is going to suck so bad
It’s Garth Ennis ofc it’s going to be bad.
The boys is so much better because they almost completely dropped his idea and comic when making the show.
I maintain that some of the Crossed comics have artistic merit. Some. Soooome.
Old mate Garth only wrote the first run and some parts of the later stuff. His initial run is solid enough, assuming you have the stomach for it and don’t find gore distasteful.
Crossed: Wish you Were Here (aa free webcomic not written by Garth) is actually solid but also it has (cw: necrophilia)
A nun fucking herself with a severed arm.
So its a mixed bag.
Plus One-hundred would be interesting because of the linguistics Moore was playing with that would make sense to hear vs. read. The miniseries also explored rehabilitation of the infected, even if there isn’t a cure. It’s similar to I Am Legend with its original ending.
It would probably be better to write something from the ground up, seperate from the Crossed franchise. The kind of people who would enjoy seeing…that…are also the kind of people who wouldn’t be interested in how language changes, the moral implications of the inherently evil, how that affects people not inherently evil, rebuilding civilization because it’s not the first time humanity has experienced an apocalypse, etc.
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What the actual fuck? How? It’s like 200 pages of people being torture raped to death while they look directly at the reader saying “you’re a dumb asshole for caring about anything at all”.
Garth Ennis has made one “good” series (I hate it anyway) and The Boys and Crosses aren’t it. Every one of his stories has torture porn and uses sexual assault as a punchline.
It’s disgusting. His stories are so bad.
This screams nepobaby director trying so hard to ride off the success of The Boys.
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why would you do that to yourself?
Also was the torture and violence in that one toned down?
It was definitely toned down. The plot focused mainly on the survivors a century after “Surprise Day” (as the crossed like to call it). It’s centered around a archeological/historian/biologist as she tries to find out what caused the outbreak in the first place. The cross themselves are the intelligent ones who have created their own society hidden from the survivors so they can do a part 2. They’re less impulsive and thus less prone to random acts of violence.
They’re still infected, though, and the story picks up when they start a war after isolating themselves for a century.
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I get why Ennis is so nihilistic. He did grow up during the Troubles and saw shit like car bombs going off in civilian areas or the Black and Tans beating the shit out of people when they weren’t just straight-up killing them. You see violence like that as a kid and it’s going to create a warped worldview.
I suspect Palestinian children now who survive to adulthood are going to have similar outlooks on life.
Twink spotted
I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: