I liked half the ending. It’s a shame that we had to slam the brakes for the other half of it so
Dukat and Kai Winn can be satanists. I like the idea that Sisko ends up joining the Prophets outside time, but it never really feels like the writers knew what to do with him being a spiritual figure for Bajor. This ending just kind of happened.
Anyway, I’m posting this 'cus there used to be a user here with the name SiskoDidTwoThingsWrong, and i’m wondering what those two things were? Keeping the cure to the changeling disease seems like the most obvious one. I’m curious what the second is
?? They don’t? I’m using Sync and they seem to work ok. Goo to know it doesn’t work on other clients
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Ok! Gotcha 👍 thank you :::
Gotta be three lines, comrade
But otherwise you’re welcome