Anyone else more excited for Super Mario Bros Wonder then the Super Mario RPG remake? I didn’t really think it needed a remake. You can play it everywhere. Pretty sure it’s on Nintendo Online and then there is the SNES classic too. The graphical style in which high def models are turned into sprites are just so mid-90’s. Replacing those with just generic HD Mario models seem a little lackluster or boring.

    2 years ago

    I’m excited for both, but I’m more excited about Wonder as well. I love 2D Mario games, and I was able to enjoy NSMBWii and NSMBU just fine; however, finishing U made me not want another standard 2D Mario game unless they were going to innovate like Rayman did with Origins/Legends or even Donkey Kong did with Returns/Tropical Freeze.

    The new trailer showed off so many features that are brand-new, and I can’t wait to get my hands on it. I could be wrong, but it also felt a lot like the reveal of 3D World where the first trailer was fine, but the second was bonkers and made it go from looking good to amazing.