The surgeon general has a new public health warning. And this time, the hazard isn’t tobacco or alcohol: it’s parenting.

Two-fifths of parents say that on most days, “they are so stressed they cannot function,” the Office of the Surgeon General reports in an advisory titled Parents Under Pressure. Roughly half of parents term that stress “completely overwhelming.”

Those dire findings anchor a 35-page report, released in late August, that posits parental stress as “an urgent public health issue.” It draws on data from the American Psychological Association and other sources to build a case that parents are facing more stress than at perhaps any other time in recent history.

One-third of parents with children under 18 rate their stress level as 8 or higher on a 10-point scale, according to psychological association data. Two-fifths of parents report being “so stressed they feel numb.” Three-fifths say stress makes it hard to focus. Two-thirds are consumed by money woes.

    6 months ago

    I fucking love my kid. She’s incredible. And some days I kind of understand where Casey Anthony was coming from. Doesn’t sound so outlandish. But outside of extreme cases, I probably cap out at about a 6.5/10. I feel like that’s pretty good. It’s those 8s and up that get you thinking about Casey Anthony.

    (since people are increasingly unable to detect satire, I should probably get ahead of it and specify I don’t actually fantasize about killing my kid)