Today, my installation started to send me http 400 error messages.

It took me a while to figure out why I was getting these error messages. Basically it was because I had set the global-topic-limit relatively low and due to several new installations of Tusky and Moshidon new topics were created. I had reached the topic limit. When I raised the limit, everything went back to normal.

Because of this, I would like to see a) whether I have reached the topic limit and b) I would like to have an overview of subscribed topics, even if I have never accessed them on a device xyz, so that they do not appear in the list.

I wouldn’t care whether I get the list on the shell with a command and then unsubscribe or in the WebGUI. What is the normal way to do this? I have now deleted the SQLite databases and worked with newly created databases. But I don’t think this is the intended way.

  • MoLoPoLYOP
    6 months ago

    In the meantime, i have tried to find a SELECT, to find the topics, maybe this should help: First you should find your internal userid in /var/lib/ntfy/user.db
    SELECT idFROMuserWHEREuser = '<your_username>';

    and later on, you can use this userid in /var/cache/ntfy/cache.db, to find the topics:
    SELECT DISTINCT topicFROMmessagesWHEREuser = '<your_user_id>';

    Now you have a starting point, to delete messages, with unneeded topics. I don’t know, if this enough, but I think so. But it would be nice, if there is a better way.