• 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023


  • Hmm this is close enough to mine… Manjaro…

    have Arch in parallel boot, but I’m not happy how it works with Steam Games. This is at least for me, a lot better with Manjaro. But anyway, I will compare with Arch settings next time im on it. Tomorrow I have to go to Bangkok for some weeks and can’t use my private laptop for this time.

  • MoLoPoLYOPtoArch LinuxRemove Gnome with its settings?
    11 days ago

    Worked fine so far. I have just renamed .config and .local directory’s for later use and reinstalled Gnome. So far this seems to work. In my tests today, I could shutdown/reboot succesfully with every try. Hopefully this is a permanent fix. Since I have all the old files, maybe I find the time to check them for errors. But I fear I didn’t have so much time. Anyway, many thx for your tips which helped to fix the issue for me.

  • MoLoPoLYOPtoArch LinuxRemove Gnome with its settings?
    13 days ago

    Many thx. Will try that as a second user, just in case that the current user block something.

    My main issue is, that I can’t shutdown or reboot from within the quick settings panel anymore. If I do that, applications do close, but the computer doesn’t shutdown. However it’s working fine from a terminal.

  • This looks like something usefull. Some observations after first start…

    • why does the app requests full file rights, after I selected my local notes folder? If the app has access to that folder (and subfolders), this should be enough.
    • for code, examples a code font should be used and not the same font as article text
    • i use markdown a lot for code. With this it should be possible to select the whole code block by single click. When using css, this should be possible with > user-select:all
    • auto line break should be disabled in the same context. This seems to be already the case for code block but not for single line code
    • i would love to see support for yaml. But in the form that i can hide the yaml block
    • i think the search feature doesn’t work yet. If I have for example a note with the title and I type “manjaro”, it isn’t found. The search should also search the text inside the notes or at least the yaml tags (if supported)
    • please keep the local folder and don’t invest your resources in a sync mechanism. There are so much possibilities like WebDAV, rsync, SFTP and a lot of clouds. To much to make anyone happy. There are some Android apps which sync such things with an ease.
    • I keep my rare images in a hidden subfolder of the notes folder like “.media”. Not only images, also linked PDF and so on. Such images are not displayed. They seems to be not found

    I really like the idea of your app. Could be a good companion for my PrimitiveNotes plug-in for Roundcube. Hopefully you find the time to develop it further.

  • Hmm i never noticed a visual indicator for the head lift. I can see the blue hologram and some sort of “waves” starting from the pump hologram. Assume, I have build a industrial tank on the bottom, 0 meter’s above the ground. From there the pipeline starts straight upwards, for example 20 meter’s. Where should I place the first mk II pump? At 3 meter’s or later?

  • MoLoPoLYOPtontfy@discuss.ntfy.shHow to manage topics?
    6 months ago

    In the meantime, i have tried to find a SELECT, to find the topics, maybe this should help: First you should find your internal userid in /var/lib/ntfy/user.db
    SELECT idFROMuserWHEREuser = '<your_username>';

    and later on, you can use this userid in /var/cache/ntfy/cache.db, to find the topics:
    SELECT DISTINCT topicFROMmessagesWHEREuser = '<your_user_id>';

    Now you have a starting point, to delete messages, with unneeded topics. I don’t know, if this enough, but I think so. But it would be nice, if there is a better way.