As my time with linux, I created a lot of scripts. Some of them have input parameters and sometimes I just forget this parameters.
So I wonder if there is some way to create autocomplete parameters, like i autocomplete a path by pressing the tab key?
For example a script. ./ can be completed with parameter-one, eg. ./ parameter-one
or ./ parameter-two
. If i type now ./ followed by tab it should add parameter-one if i press tab again it should change to parameter-two.
How can I do that? I’m on bash…
Here’s an article that does this:
I have done this for one of my own tools
, which is a function that switches to a tmux session, or creates it if it doesn’t exist:# switch to existing tmux session, or create it. # overrides workdir if session name is "Work" function ta() { case "$1" in Work) workdir="${HOME}/Work/" ;; *) workdir="${HOME}" ;; esac if tmux has-session -t "$@" &>/dev/null; then tmux switch-client -t "$@" else tmux new-session -A -D -d -c "${workdir}" -s "$@" tmux switch-client -t "$@" fi } # complete tmux sessions # exclude current session from completion function _ta_completion() { command="${1}" completing="${2}" previous="${3}" [[ "${command}" != 'ta' ]] && return current_session="$(tmux display-message -p '#S')" IFS=$'\a' COMPREPLY=( $(tmux list-sessions -F '#{session_name}' | grep -i "^${completing}" | grep -v "^${current_session}$"| tr '\n' '\a' ) ) } # enable completion for ta function complete -F _ta_completion ta
$ tmux (starts session "0" by default) $ ta Personal # create session "Personal" because it doesn't exist $ ta Work # create session "Work" because it doesn't exist $ ta <tab> 0 Personal $ ta P<tab> -> $ta Personal $ ta <tab> 0 Work
Many thx. This is exactly what I want. Will try that when I’m batch from vacation.
This really looks great, I got a question though. As I understand it, it works based on your bash_history which can be very small or autodeleted after each poweroff for privacy & security reasons.
So it doesn’t work in that case. However, creating a file containing a list or array? Of commands could that be a possible way to implemented a similar behavior?
I’m asking because I’m not very proficient in any programming language but have done some small bash scripts here and there and quite interested in this functionality !
Espanso is probably the most useful software that nobody is using. I can’t live without it.
I hope it gets an update soon…
Its .YML formatting is really clunky. It feels like it takes up twice as much line space as .AHK (for example), which can do a lot of this kind of stuff in a single line. But I wanna go cross-platform and this is all I can find…
I like YAML, as long as you aren’t using complicated syntax. Using the
operator will get you some flexible usage that’s mostly easy enough to read. YAML definitely has its problems though. If you want, I can share some snippets of my config.Sadly though, due to Espanso not having a working RPM build for Wayland (or a Flatpak, which they’re working on), it’s not quite as cross-platform as I want it to be. It won’t work on any of the cool uBlue-derived distros that I’ve gravitated toward, so I’m hoping we get a nice, big update this year.
Did you put in a request for this? And sure, I’m always interested in seeing how others use it—especially to complex levels.
Not exactly what you are looking for, but modern shells like fish or zsh (probably?) are good at suggesting completions from history. fzf is another great tool for that. Both are super useful for remembering and repeating commands.
With shell scripts, I’m not sure.
With Python scripts, you want argcomplete.