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I love turn based RPGs so what’s good, what should I be getting, what’s one of those games that’s on such a good sale I’d be a fool to pass it up?
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I love turn based RPGs so what’s good, what should I be getting, what’s one of those games that’s on such a good sale I’d be a fool to pass it up?
I really liked Symphony of War: The Nephelim Saga. The story is mid as hell but the gameplay scratched an itch that I didn’t know I had (this was before Unicorn Overlord). It’s Fire Emblem but your units are squads that have fun class dynamics that are cool without being so complex it needs player scripting. A few of their character designs are kinda
, but not uncommonly so.
The devs literally edited my save file after a big patch broke my save and sent it back to me, so I’m partial to them.
Love a good dev story like that, that’s awesome. Definitely going to keep an eye on this one
Want it? I have a key from a Humble Bundle earlier this year. It’s a great game in my eyes.
Nah, I can afford to purchase it, although maybe someone who can’t would appreciate the gift! Thank you though
Of course. If anyone’s interested in it and sees this, DM me and I’ll hand it off to you