The “plants feel pain” take pisses me off the most. The scorched-earth argument really goes places: “if plants feel pain, then any amount of pain inflicted is now okay!”
“plants feel pain, that’s why I chose a diet that introduces extra steps on the food chain so that the animals I eat end up eating 10x as many plants as I would”
To be fair it’s an exaggeration but based in truth - although of course it’s a result of selectively breeding dairy cows and removing the calf, so as an argument against veganism it’s somewhat self defeating
But yeah not milking a dairy cow will result in excessive pressure in the udders, which causes pain, infections, and sometimes the rupturing of the udder which i assume is where the ‘explodes’ comes from
I’ve seen it used for concern trolling purposes a few times, usually from “polite” wine liberals that want to dismiss the dietary restrictions of the guests they’re condescending to.
There is one particularly odious debatelord on or that goes to lengths to argue that in several threads. Often enough for me to have recognized the useename. So yeah definitely seen it in the wild.
Worse only was the claim that animals don’t have emotions like we do because they lack speech. Somehow communication is a necesary requirement for experiencing emotion?
The “plants feel pain”
take pisses me off the most. The scorched-earth argument really goes places: “if plants feel pain, then any amount of pain inflicted is now okay!” 
“plants feel pain, that’s why I chose a diet that introduces extra steps on the food chain so that the animals I eat end up eating 10x as many plants as I would”
But have you considered when you bake bread you are killing thousands of yeast?
(Written to me in earnest by someone who I guess thought yeast was some kind of animal)
My favourite is when someone told me that cows explode if they’re not milked and they were being 100% serious
To be fair it’s an exaggeration but based in truth - although of course it’s a result of selectively breeding dairy cows and removing the calf, so as an argument against veganism it’s somewhat self defeating
But yeah not milking a dairy cow will result in excessive pressure in the udders, which causes pain, infections, and sometimes the rupturing of the udder which i assume is where the ‘explodes’ comes from
I’ve never seen it used genuinely besides jokes. Do people really do that?
I’ve seen it used for concern trolling purposes a few times, usually from “polite” wine liberals that want to dismiss the dietary restrictions of the guests they’re condescending to.
There is one particularly odious debatelord on or that goes to lengths to argue that in several threads. Often enough for me to have recognized the useename. So yeah definitely seen it in the wild.
Worse only was the claim that animals don’t have emotions like we do because they lack speech. Somehow communication is a necesary requirement for experiencing emotion?
The most ableist shit ever…
are the animals that totally have no way of communicating any of their thoughts or attitudes in this room with us right now
Anybody who claims that animals don’t have emotions because of some unqualified human exceptionalism hasn’t had a pet.
Or, if they had a pet, I feel very sorry for that pet.