I hate when people act like certain kinds of alcohol give them a license to be shitty. “Oh I’m sorry it’s Tequila that makes me do that.” No it’s the alcohol in the fucking Tequila, don’t act like if it was Bourbon you’d be sophisticated. You picked a fight and then pissed yourself while I tried to buy you an Uber because I was at the limit of what I can handle.
This also unecessarily pisses me off too much. Every time I hear someone say that whiskey makes them particularly worse, I want to scream
Drink less volume because percentage is higher. If that’s not possible, that’s not Whiskey’s fault, you’re just not able to control yourself and should adjust your habits (of course I’m not speaking about alcoholism, that’s different. This is people who drink socially but turn to assholes)
I hate when people act like certain kinds of alcohol give them a license to be shitty. “Oh I’m sorry it’s Tequila that makes me do that.” No it’s the alcohol in the fucking Tequila, don’t act like if it was Bourbon you’d be sophisticated. You picked a fight and then pissed yourself while I tried to buy you an Uber because I was at the limit of what I can handle.
This also unecessarily pisses me off too much. Every time I hear someone say that whiskey makes them particularly worse, I want to scream
Drink less volume because percentage is higher. If that’s not possible, that’s not Whiskey’s fault, you’re just not able to control yourself and should adjust your habits (of course I’m not speaking about alcoholism, that’s different. This is people who drink socially but turn to assholes)