It’s a situation that I have been expecting for a while, but I wasn’t fully ready to accept it. Specifically it’s one of my LGBTQ friends who honestly believes in the democrats will protect them and their partner. I have tried to make the point that both parties are eroding any sort of civility towards all marginalized groups, but fear seems to drive them more than logical observations. They make the excuse that change doesn’t happen over night and that the left continues to grow and will have meaningful affects down the road. I fundamentally just don’t agree with that idea and vocalize it regularly. More and more it is ending up in a circular argument where I am painted as unrealistic and my rhetoric (leftist rhetoric) is doing more harm than good because it promotes distrust in the only system we have to work with. I try to tell them it’s kind of the whole point. We gotta start somewhere if we want to see a better, more representative system, but they are so hung up on the immediate future while simultaneously saying that my idealistic feelings are shortsighted and I cant expect change in the immediate future… The double-talk is wild, I know.

I am trying my hardest to stop from engaging at this point because on the most basic level we agree on a lot of stuff, but they are just way to wrapped up in the fear mongering of the democratic party. They know that the two party system is broken, they know that something drastic needs to change, but they also think that they are powerless to do anything except choose the lesser evil. It pains me because I am watching them do the same shit past generations have done, where they give up on their ideals for the sake of preserving the current status quo that they benefit from. I am legitimately watching them imply “fuck you, got mine” under the guise of civic duty and I hate it. I want nothing more than to be able to finally say “I told you so” without being a smug asshole about it and ruining our friendship.

Thanks for reading my rant. It’s probably a bit disjointed, but the frustration is boiling over and I needed to vent to the only group of people that seems to understand the hopelessness of being a disenfranchised leftist.

  • Adkml [he/him]
    21 hours ago

    It is exhausting. Especially like you say compared to right wingers.

    Chuds are aware of the fact and will admit that a lot of their beliefs are just the opposite of whatever you think and they have those beliefs to piss you off.

    Liberals have the exact same belief but also claim theirs is the rational and moral belief and actually you’re the one being divisive because you don’t agree with them the most progressive policy is to shoot all immigrants (and a few of these annoying lefties) into the ocean out of a cannon. Because they’re pragmatic and compassionate intellectuals.

    Like my knee jerk reaction is to sit that person down and explain to them they aren’t a leftist they just want to absolve themselves morally. They are voting for right wing parties, that is mutually exclusive to being a leftist. They aren’t progressive they’re slightly right of center, just like most people, but they recognize that’s a moral failing so they lie to themselves and say they’re a leftist even though they’re thinking acting and voting light a lib.

    It’s like all the American libs arguing the democrats are better than republicans on isreal. It doesn’t matter how they word it “the party currently doing a genocide is less likely to do a genocide than the party not currently doing a genocide” is never gonna convince anybody who’s actually operating in reality. But they can’t say “we’ve decided continuing to do a genocide is more important than getting your vote but also if you don’t vote for us we’ll consider that a moral failing on your part which makes us superior.”

    But of course then your being divisive and doing purity tests so the only rational response from your friend is to go full blown right wing because you were mean to them, even thoughthat change wouldn’t involve thinking acting or voting any differently.

    Truly, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink.

      • Adkml [he/him]
        20 hours ago

        Chuds deep down know they’re full of shit and will admit itnsonet8mes. It’s the wh9le sartre “never believe the anti semits is unaware of the absurdity of their arguments”

        They relish the fact that they just said a bunchnof bullshi6 but they can just go “nuh uh” to any counter argument and watch the lib get mad.

        Libs literally believe they’re doing the right thing while advocating for the same atrocities and literally look down on you for suggesting the fact they have the same goals and proposals as chids means they’re the same.