• TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Don’t ruin a good character by shoehorning him into everything.

    Don’t get me wrong, Gandalf should certainly be in some of this (especially hunt for Gollum), but I don’t think he should be added just for the sake of adding him.

    I actually really like RoP overall, but by far my least favourite part is them shoehorning Gandalf and Hobbits into it, likely because executives are like “if it’s middle earth, you have to have Gandalf and Hobbits. That’s what audiences expect!!”

    • Dasus@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Eh, I don’t mind the hobbits.

      I do mind that it was fucking Gandalf.

      It would’ve been so good if it had been a neverbeforeseen blue wizard.

      For one, I imagine it’s not pleasant for Daniel Weyman to be playing Gandalf, because it’s such an iconic role of one of the most iconic actors… who’s still playing the character.

      And it might have been nice for the hobbits to just have a pleasant experience with a wizard who isn’t Gandalf, which could predispose them being kind to Gandalf later.

      But like whatever. The hobbits weren’t that needed, but it is nice to see how their good nature is still playing a role in the “greater plan”.

      I just held on for hope for a couple of years. But when the hobbits started going “thank ye, grand elf” or something, I was just like… ugh.