and brain damage from more than five concussions, some of them from playing football in high school.
His actions are his own and he is responsible for his vile acts, but please can we stop making children play full contact sports that are very well known for causing concussion?
It would be Florida right?
Sad, very sad ☹️
A large reason why all of the craziest shit in America seems to happen in Florida is because Florida has uncommon … automatic transparency, or public availability… or very low privacy rights … concerning detailed police reports and court records which almost all other states are much, much stricter with, far less often openly releasing such records to the public.
Much more technical, legalese explanation:
I have heard something about this, yes. Still…
I am not trying to say that this particular story is not extremely scummy and fucked.
That guy is a goddamned monster.
It also would be a contractor. Shocking on every level.
That’ll happen