Hi, did this thread mostly for myself and friends. Counted champs in lanes with 2k+ games in op.gg (or above 0% popularity in LeagueOfGraphs when op.ggās server was down).
If you donāt know, this is the Globetrotter challenge. It consists of winning games with a premade party of five where only champions from a single region are used. Itās a fun team exercise :)
It is organized like this:
LANE: Primary-role champions (recommended)
| secondary-role champions
|| people play this, I guess??? (viable but weak)
Here it goes:
Malphite, Milio, Neeko, Nidalee, Qiyana, Rengar, Zyra
TOP: Malphite | Rengar || Neeko, Nidalee, Qiyana
JUNGLE: Nidalee, Rengar | Zyra || Malphite, Neeko, Qiyana
MID: Neeko, Qiyana | Malphite
SUP: Milio, Zyra | Neeko
- Your main issue in Ixtal is that there is no ADC. Qiyana should be the best one as she snowballs, but she is also very hard to play. Statistics says Neeko is the most played of the seven in ADC role, but itās a low number of games and may also just be indicative that Neeko is a champion with high pick rate, period. Overall I would go into alt pick because itās so FUBAR the champion wouldnāt really matter. Bot lane, play safe and donāt feed.
Corki, Fizz, Gnar, Heimerdinger, Kennen, Kled, Lulu, Poppy, Rumble, Teemo, Tristana, Veigar, Vex, Yuumi, Ziggs
TOP: Gnar, Kennen, Kled, Poppy, Rumble, Teemo | Heimerdinger || Tristana, Veigar
JUNGLE: | Poppy, Rumble || Teemo
MID: Corki, Fizz, Veigar, Vex | Kennen, Rumble, Tristana, Heimerdinger, Ziggs || Gnar, Kled, Poppy, Teemo
SUP: Heimerdinger, Lulu, Yuumi || Poppy, Teemo, Veigar, Ziggs
ADC: Tristana, Ziggs | Veigar || Heimerdinger
- Pretty viable.
Fizz, Gangplank, Graves, Illaoi, Miss Fortune, Nautilus, Nilah, Pyke, Tahm Kench, Twisted Fate
TOP: Gangplank, Illaoi, Tahm Kench || Fizz, Graves, Nautilus
JUNGLE: Graves
MID: Fizz, Twisted Fate | Gangplank || Graves, Illaoi, Pyke
ADC: Miss Fortune, Nilah
SUP: Nautilus, Pyke || Miss Fortune, Tahm Kench
- Not only viable but strong-ish. Color me impressed? A warning: Graves has a very high ban rate. Go blind pick if you must.
Fiora, Galio, Garen, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Lucian, Lux, Morgana, Poppy, Quinn, Shyvana, Sona, Sylas, Vayne, Xin Zhao
TOP: Fiora, Kayle, Quinn | Poppy, Shyvana, Sylas, Vayne || Galio, Jarvan IV, Xin Zhao
JUNGLE: Jarvan IV, Poppy, Shyvana, Xin Zhao | Sylas || Morgana*
MID: Galio, Lux, Sylas | Kayle || Fiora, Jarvan IV, Lucian, Morgana, Quinn, Shyvana, Vayne, Xin Zhao
ADC: Lucian, Vayne
SUP: Morgana, Sona | Galio, Lux, Poppy || Jarvan IV, Sylas
* Below 2k games on op.gg but I have a friend that seriously play this and he says itās viable lol.
- Who would say that Demacia champions were so versatile? Also, Lucian and Vayne have both quite low ban rates.
Caitlyn, Camille, Corki, Ezreal, Heimerdinger, Jayce, Orianna, Seraphine, Vi
TOP: Camille, Jayce | Heimerdinger || Ezreal
MID: Corki, Heimerdinger, Orianna | Jayce, Seraphine || Caitlyn, Ezreal, Vi
ADC: Caitlyn, Ezreal | Seraphine
SUP: Heimerdinger, Seraphine
- Vi and Heimerdinger have <1% banrates. You can go alt pick pretty safely.
Elise, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Gwen, Hecarim, Kallista, Karthus, Maokai, Senna, Thresh, Viego, Yorick
TOP: Gwen, Maokai, Yorick || Fiddlesticks, Karthus, Senna, Viego
JUNGLE: Elise, Evelynn, Fiddlesticks, Hecarim, Karthus, Maokai, Viego || Gwen
MID: | Karthus || Fiddlesticks, Gwen, Viego
ADC: Kallista | Karthus || Senna*
SUP: Senna, Thresh | Fiddlesticks, Karthus, Maokai
* 40% winrate. Only if youāre desperate.
- For some reason Vex and Kindred arenāt here, because then your ADC could play Karthus or Kindred instead of Kallista. Other than that, thatās a pretty fun region for everyone but your ADC!
Akshan, Amumu, Azir, KāSante, Naafiri, Nasus, Rammus, Renekton, Sivir, Skarner, Taliyah, Xerath, Zilean
TOP: KāSante, Nasus, Renekton | Akshan, Naafiri || Azir, Rammus, Skarner
JUNGLE: Rammus, Skarner, Taliyah | Naafiri
MID: Akshan, Azir, Naafiri | Taliyah, Xerath || KāSante, Nasus, Renekton, Sivir, Zilean
ADC: Sivir || Taliyah, Xerath
SUP: Xerath, Zilean || Taliyah
- Some really simple and some really complex champions, which makes it a bit odd. Naafiri is very flexible but also has the highest banrate of the patch.
Aphelios, Aurelion Sol, Diana, Leona, Pantheon, Soraka, Taric, Zoe
TOP: Pantheon || Aurelion Sol
JUNGLE: Diana || Pantheon, Taric
MID: Aurelion Sol, Zoe | Diana, Pantheon
ADC: Aphelios || Aurelion Sol
SUP: Leona, Pantheon, Soraka, Taric || Zoe
- Limited pool of inflexible champions will make many cry blind pick. However, if you notice, this cast has a low ban rate (highest being Leona at 4.7%).
Anivia, Ashe, Braum, Gnar, Gragas, Lissandra, Nunu&Willump, Olaf, Ornn, Sejuani, Trundle, Tryndamere, Udyr, Volibear
TOP: Gnar, Olaf, Ornn, Trundle, Tryndamere, Volibear | Gragas || Anivia, Lissandra, Sejuani, Udyr
JUNGLE: Gragas, Nunu, Sejuani, Udyr | Trundle, Volibear || Olaf, Tryndamere*
MID: Anivia, Lissandra | Gragas || Gnar, Nunu, Ornn, Tryndamere, Volibear
ADC: Ashe
SUP: Braum | Gragas || Anivia, Ashe, Lissandra, Nunu, Ornn, Sejuani, Trundle
* <40% winrate, donāt unless you are really good at him
- Did you like making do with an adc in Ixtal? I hope your adc also did, since Ashe has a 11.42% banrate. Seriously, go blind pick. Help Ashe unify the tribes after all those years.
Ahri, Akali, Irelia, Ivern, Jhin, Karma, Kayn, Kennen, Lee Sin, Lilia, Master Yi, Rakan, Sett, Shen, Syndra, Varus, Wukong, Xayah, Yasuo, Yone, Zed
TOP: Irelia, Kennen, Sett, Shen | Akali, Wukong, Yone, Zed || Ahri, Karma, Kayn, Lee Sin*, Lillia, Master Yi, Syndra, Varus, Yasuo
JUNGLE: Ivern, Kayn, Lillia, Master Yi, Wukong | Zed || Lee Sin
MID: Ahri, Akali, Syndra, Yasuo, Yone, Zed | Irelia || Karma, Kennen, Lee Sin*, Sett, Varus, Wukong
ADC: Jhin, Varus, Xayah || Syndra, Yasuo, Yone
SUP: Karma, Rakan || Kennen, Lee Sin*, Sett, Shen, Yasuo*
* Lee Sin is kinda shit at anything that isnāt Jungle. Top makes do, but Mid and Sup do not. * <40% Winrate. You got plenty of better choices, Yasuo mains.
- I think the champions are a bit hard to learn, but at least you got plenty of choices.
Cassiopeia, Darius, Draven, Katarina, Kled, LeBlanc, Rell, Riven, Samira, Sion, Swain, Talon, Vladimir
TOP: Darius, Kled, Riven, Sion | Vladimir || Cassiopeia, Katarina, LeBlanc, Swain, Talon
JUNGLE: | Talon || Rell, Riven*, Sion
MID: Cassiopeia, Katarina, LeBlanc, Talon, Vladimir || Darius, Kled, Riven, Samira, Sion, Swain
ADC: Draven, Samira || Cassiopeia, Sion, Swain
SUP: Swain || LeBlanc, Rell, Sion
* <40% winrate. Those days are long gone.
- Congratulations, Sion, youāre the only one together with Karthus to fit all lanes! Seriously now, Samira is a super strong snowball. Noxus trolls Jungle and Support a bit, but Talon did worse.
BelāVeth, ChoāGath, KaiāSa, Kassadin, KhaāZix, KogāMaw, Malzahar, RekāSai, VelāKoz
TOP: ChoāGath || BelāVeth, Kassadin, Malzahar, RekāSai
JUNGLE: BelāVeth, KhaāZix, RekāSai
MID: Kassadin, Malzahar | ChoāGath, VelāKoz || KaiāSa, KogāMaw
ADC: KaiāSa, KogāMaw || Malzahar, VelāKoz
SUP: VelāKoz || BelāVeth, ChoāGath, Malzahar
- Pretty smooth. Nothing to add.
Blitzcrank, Dr. Mundo, Ekko, Janna, Jinx, Renata Glasc, Singed, Twitch, Urgot, Viktor, Warwick, Zac, Zeri, Ziggs
TOP: Dr. Mundo, Singed, Urgot | Warwick, Zac || Ekko, Viktor
JUNGLE: Ekko, Warwick, Zac || Dr. Mundo, Singed, Twitch*
MID: Viktor, Ziggs | Ekko || Singed, Twitch, Urgot, Zac, Zeri
ADC: Jinx, Twitch, Zeri | Ziggs || Viktor
SUP: Blitzcrank, Janna, Renata Glasc || Singed, Twitch, Zac, Ziggs
* 41% winrate. You have better picks.
- Zaum I love, because there are tutorial-level champions to play in every role. I recommend you start here (or in whatever region you have more mains for in your premade).
The hardest part is getting together a 5 person premade