Asking as someone from the other side of the planet.
From the things I saw about the US election, the Dems were the side with plans for the economy - minimum wage adjustments, unions, taxing the rich, etc. The Republicans didn’t seem to have any concrete plans. At least, this is what I saw.
I don’t doubt Bernie Sanders though - he seems like a straight truth teller. But what am I missing?
No, it’s not true. The liberals never had the working class’ backs.
Liberalism fetishizes capitalism, remember?
He’s not consciously lying - Bernie, like all liberals, actually believes you can (somehow) represent both the interests of the working class while also representing the interests of the capitalist class that is parasitizing off their labor. As any leftist will tell you, this is pure delusion.
I’m very intrigued by your definition of Liberalism. It doesn’t correlate with liberalism across the world.
Really? Find me an anti-capitalist liberal. that should be very easy if this…
…was the truth.
I’m an anti-capitalist liberal.
No, Clyde. You’re not.
You are just politically incoherent, like people who call themselves “fiscally conservative and economically progressive” (or whatever claptrap so-called “centrists” tell themselves).
Liberalism fetishizes capitalism. If you’re anti-capitalist, you have abandoned liberalism.
This is not complicated.
Next you’ll be telling me you’re an anarcho-fascist.
u mad bro?
This makes you less of a capitalist bootlicker… how, exactly?
I don’t have to prove myself to you because there’s nothing to prove.
It’s a pissing contest, and I refuse to get piss on me.
But if that’s your thing, I won’t kink shame.
Again. This makes you less of a capitalist bootlicker… how, exactly?
Of course you didn’t provide your own. That’s typical, sadly enough. We all know there are varying definitions, and if you’re going to undercut someone else’s, which may be a reasonable thing to do, why not bring yours to the table? … But only if you care to continue the conversation.