Explanation: The (unwritten) constitution of the Roman Republic was utterly byzantine (ha) and plastered with overlapping authorities, arcane prohibitions, and arbitrary divisions. What’s more, there’s a great deal of ‘ad hoc’ authority that was distributed at will by whoever was most influential in government at any given time, making even this chart only a loose approximation of how labyrinthine Roman government of the Republic really was!
The Republic also spans a long range of time, to be fair. The Tribuni Plebis for example weren’t always elected by the Tributa, nor did the Plebiscita always have force of law.
Explanation: The (unwritten) constitution of the Roman Republic was utterly byzantine (ha) and plastered with overlapping authorities, arcane prohibitions, and arbitrary divisions. What’s more, there’s a great deal of ‘ad hoc’ authority that was distributed at will by whoever was most influential in government at any given time, making even this chart only a loose approximation of how labyrinthine Roman government of the Republic really was!
The Republic also spans a long range of time, to be fair. The Tribuni Plebis for example weren’t always elected by the Tributa, nor did the Plebiscita always have force of law.