ID: An outline of a fat person with long flowing wild hair, they’re in a graceful pose that looks like they might be dancing, with their arms spread out and one leg in front of the other. The outline is filled with a starry galaxy like pattern, made to look like it’s glowing on the blue-purple background. On the torso are the words “take up space”
first off, i don’t have to justify shit to you, this comment is partly to let me vent and partly to show other people that they’re not evil for being born with traits that class them as "privileged.
I can assure you i don’t have the slightest privilege of dominating spaces, as i’ve been living with undiagnosed autism and probably also ADHD, and have spent most of my life (and still do) in front of my computer with no real life friends and only going outside when i can force myself to go on a walk or ride the bike, or when i go to the grocery store.
I have also always been told that i’m a straight cis man, and believed so until recently because i well obviously if everyone says it that’s how it is.
Guess what? i’m actually quite into dicks, after having spent like a year gradually easing myself into the idea that i’m fucking ALLOWED to not be straight i now realize that i’d quite like to suck a dick at some point even! And while i think i prefer to present as a man, i’ve also realized i wouldn’t much mind if i woke up as a woman some day, and that frankly i’d rather we all never mention the concept of gender again.
To anyone reading this: It’s okay to be privileged, it does not make you evil, it should not force you into being what people expect of you, but you also shouldn’t force yourself to try to be something else just because you don’t want to be considered privileged.
The only privilege that matters is wealth and power, and luckily that is easily rectified by sharing your wealth with those who lack it and using your power to help the marginalized of society.