Meanwhile, in America, a drug manufacturer sold tainted eye-drops that killed and seriously maimed people, and not one exec has faced consequences. There’s barely been any media scrutiny, just boilerplate articles that refuse to name names or even attempt to explain what the fuck went wrong. As for the FDA, I’ve given up on them. They’re fucking useless.

I’m against the death penalty, but at the same time I can’t stand lib orgs like Amnesty who screech about how DYsTOPiAn the death penalty is in China when we have the exact same system here in the States except worse because it targets poor and non-white people exclusively.

  • robinn2 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I’m against the death penalty in the majority of cases because it is not a solution to the causes of crime and mainly targets poor people/minorities in capitalist nations. This is different; there can be no mercy for the capitalist class in socialist-oriented society, they will be used only for development and within the confines of laws oriented towards development (and motivated purely by personal enrichment of course, because they are soulless ghouls). The second these laws are broken (or the masses are harmed thereof), life in prison or execution should be the norm.