Gonna go ask for a journal

Edit: couldn’t get it in time :(

    • Cowbee [he/they]@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      The concept of “Permanent Revolution” is failed theory to begin with, while Marxism-Leninism is not.

      Secondly, the reason most Marxists have problems with Trots, is because Trots descend from the Menshevik “Left” Communists Lenin railed against in “Left”-Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder. They tend to focus far more on purity than results, and thus are the source of countless splits and left-infighting.

      Trots generally oppose AES as well, meaning they play into the hands of Western Imperialists, rather than supporting the Global South against Western Imperialism.

      Trots are better than liberals, social democrats, and so forth, but there is good reason they are basically only found in the West, while Marxism-Leninism dominates most of the world outside the West, among Marxist strains.

        • Cowbee [he/they]@lemmy.ml
          3 months ago

          Parties? No. I personally am a Marxist-Leninist, which is the most common example of Marxism in practice. I would say that speaks to its practicality and relevance. If I were you, I would read my reading list (or another comparable ML focused reading list) before joining a party or org, then feeling out local orgs for yourself.

          Trots are a strain of Marxism, just like Marxist-Leninists, so there are many groups that adopt either tendency. There are also Maoists, Marxist-Leninist-Maoists, and many other tendencies, so the best thing you can do is read theory, discover what tendency you align with, and find an org that fits that.

          My personal bias is, again, Marxism-Leninism, and here’s my guide again for quick access. Let me know if you have any specific questions!

    • vfreire85@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      “trotskyite” here. lately i haven’t bickered too much with m-l’s, since the conditions in brazil are currently hard enough for us reds in general, and we’re fighting on the same front about the same immediate objectives (i.e. reducing the working week to 36h, free weekends for everyone, battling the government’s budget cuts and putting the bolsonaros on jail for their attempted coup d’état).

      but i’d like to point that, as we see, permanent revolution is not tantamount to a neverending revolutionary process with infighting and so on. the concept of permanent revolution in trotsky means that in countries where bourgeois liberal revolutions have not occurred and likely won’t happen because of a reactionary scenario in world capitalism (in trotsky’s case, wwi and the rise of fascism; in our case, the conflict between the global north and russia/china/iran/etc), it is the task of the revolutionary communists not only to make this liberalizing revolution to, among other things, make an agrarian reform, democratize workplaces etc, but also at the same time surpass this liberalizing situation in order to achieve socialism and eventually communism. it’s my personal opinion that this theory applies especially to the global south, where many social guarantees are yet to be granted to the general populace.

      if you wanna know more, people here have already pointed marxists.org, which is the place to go for every communist in this fucking planet. read and study, before deciding on what organization you will compose with. remember that marxism, more than a body of knowledge, is a method which is to be applied to reality, so use it. many people don’t recommend, but i believe that the manifesto is a good start. marxists.org have also a good curation on lenin (https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/sw/index.htm) and also trotsky (https://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/works/index.htm). stalin’s work have already been listed in here by his supporters.

      i’d like to point out also that the struggle goes differently in different places in the world, though in the end we’re brothers and sisters with the proletarians of all the planet. i highly recommend reading the likes of frantz fanon, ho chi minh and other revolutionaries down here to understand why we made some different options than those of working people and organizations in the north.

      for the stalinist side, tito and yugoslav communism for me is a favourite. read him and edvard kardelj (though pass out Ðilas, rankovic and the praxis school).

    • tetris11@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      Endless revolution from the bottom-up to achieve/maintain socialism. I kind of agree with their ethos (i.e. make the powers that be extremely worried), but I’m worried they’d eventually give way to mob rule and won’t know when to stop and might come and burn the coffee table my boss gave to me when he was clearing out his office. I like my coffee table.