I’m sure he was a nice guy in private. So I’ll be as sad about his dead as I am about the death of all others I don’t know in private. In public he was a piece of shit, so as long as I’m a member of the public I’ll be glad he’s dead.
I can’t really figure out what point you’re making, are you saying that while this guy deserved it, we should acknowledge he’s part of a systemic issue, or are you just trying to say “everyones human and pobodys nerfect”? I’m sorry that I am antagonistic towards you, it’s just that db0 is full of dumbasses that think their average takes are novel, so my base reaction is to assume the worst, which isn’t fair, but it is what it is.
Either way I don’t really agree with your “certain amount of empathy”. Each mans’ death diminishes me, when someone is washed away I am the lesser. The bell tolls for thee. I get immensely sad when I learn about atrocities or deaths of regular people. I don’t get sad when I learn about righteous justice.
My point is: this dude will be replaced immediately, nothing will change by shooting one mf, and nothing will change for better shooting 100 mfs.
As long as the system creates their roles the roles will be occupied, asshole or not. The current system basically enables and demands the shitty behaviour of Frank wilkens, and Abc Dickens, and this shot-mf who-cares-what-his-name-was
I’m sure he was a nice guy in private. So I’ll be as sad about his dead as I am about the death of all others I don’t know in private. In public he was a piece of shit, so as long as I’m a member of the public I’ll be glad he’s dead.
I can’t really figure out what point you’re making, are you saying that while this guy deserved it, we should acknowledge he’s part of a systemic issue, or are you just trying to say “everyones human and pobodys nerfect”? I’m sorry that I am antagonistic towards you, it’s just that db0 is full of dumbasses that think their average takes are novel, so my base reaction is to assume the worst, which isn’t fair, but it is what it is.
Either way I don’t really agree with your “certain amount of empathy”. Each mans’ death diminishes me, when someone is washed away I am the lesser. The bell tolls for thee. I get immensely sad when I learn about atrocities or deaths of regular people. I don’t get sad when I learn about righteous justice.
Yes I’m with you.
My point is: this dude will be replaced immediately, nothing will change by shooting one mf, and nothing will change for better shooting 100 mfs.
As long as the system creates their roles the roles will be occupied, asshole or not. The current system basically enables and demands the shitty behaviour of Frank wilkens, and Abc Dickens, and this shot-mf who-cares-what-his-name-was