To me, everything has, like, a correct feeling it has to give before leaving it to rest. If not, it’s a little too rough, or smooth, it just feels off. And I can keep feeling it after stopping touching it. And anytime I look at the object. I can feel it when I watch a movie or show and someone puts something down in some indescribably wrong way.
To be clear, this isn’t a placement thing. Organization and whatnot don’t matter, it’s just like “Oh my foot just dragged forward on the carpet, that was weird and rough forward, now I have to do it backward to make it feel right,” or “I just put that down and from the sound, I can tell it went down wrong. I gotta go adjust it.” That loops until I get it just right, usually a process of 2-45 minutes.
for me it’s about mental state. I always want to tackle things while knowing my mental state.
for instance in work weeks I never get hammered because I know the next day I’ll have to do work in an office state. same thing with gaming I have to be fully lucid and ready or caffeinated.
if I’m not in any of those moods for me the off mood default activity is cleaning up shit, for some reason it resets me completely and lets me move on to the activity I actually wanna do
(not officially ND or diagnose, and tbh I’m not 100% sure I’m ND I just don’t feel NT)