A lot of people I know took the student loan here in Finland, put it in some low risk investment, graduated on time and had some of the debt wiped away by that (as incentive to graduate on time). Basically free money plus all the money they made with the debt.
I think these days some part of it has to be used for living, since the amount was cut and the share of the debt in student benefits increased. But still, it’s not a terrible deal even now
A lot of people I know took the student loan here in Finland, put it in some low risk investment, graduated on time and had some of the debt wiped away by that (as incentive to graduate on time). Basically free money plus all the money they made with the debt.
Pretty smart.
yup, slightly smarter than blowing it all on partying
I think these days some part of it has to be used for living, since the amount was cut and the share of the debt in student benefits increased. But still, it’s not a terrible deal even now