Not quite fair, since once you know it’s a compartment it’s obvious that it’s for something, but with all the sensors and access panels appliances have that are not user serviceable it’s not that surprising that there could be a plastic panel in the door of your dishwasher that appeared to do nothing.
Really the only thing that might raise an eyebrow is that it is in a door that gets wet so limiting extra things like that would be good, but perfectly reasonable to assume it was for some type of sensor if you didn’t notice the little latch for the door.
There’s a little protrusion in the base to check the height of the water, have you ever closely examined that to see if it says ‘put bleach in here’ or something?
I’m always baffled about people looking at things like this compartment and don’t think it has any kind of significance whatsoever.
Like do they think it’s just put there fore giggles? How uninterested in the world around you can you be?
It drives me nuts when i encounter people like this.
Not quite fair, since once you know it’s a compartment it’s obvious that it’s for something, but with all the sensors and access panels appliances have that are not user serviceable it’s not that surprising that there could be a plastic panel in the door of your dishwasher that appeared to do nothing.
Really the only thing that might raise an eyebrow is that it is in a door that gets wet so limiting extra things like that would be good, but perfectly reasonable to assume it was for some type of sensor if you didn’t notice the little latch for the door.
There’s a little protrusion in the base to check the height of the water, have you ever closely examined that to see if it says ‘put bleach in here’ or something?
but the door usually snaps and stays open after wasching, so it’s clear that you cand put something in there
My 15 year old dishwasher has a hanging basket for tablets… It also has your standard drawer for tablets / powders / liquids.
The impression it’s given me is, you do you; I’ll spin the hot water and give it my best.