In the middle of a conversion I will start to bring up a helpful quote or some random fact that’s loosely related but then I can’t remember what it is. I start to speak and then just blank at “that reminds me.” After that I then forget what the original context was so then I’m just lost.

    2 months ago

    Sigh, yes. A dream I have, for a world that isn’t as fucked up as ours, is brain computer interfaces that can just record your train of thought for you so that when you get a third of the way into a thought and you forget what you were thinking you can just replay your brain for a second and remember what the fuck you were thinking about. Or you know, walk into a room forget why you’re there and say “hey brain, why am I here?” and it will fucking tell you instead of just going “eat a dick bitch”. Or God forbid decide on a plan for a day or a week or goals that you have and want to focus on and then have some hope of and fucking assistance in actually remembering that thing that you wanted to do and following through on it instead of just “well your brain sucks and you forgot so I guess there’s no life progress for you!”