I have seen so many different approaches to dating be responded to by Lemmings as inappropriate or creepy, much of it hypocritical to other responses, but I digress: is there ANY appropriate way that everyone can agree on for men to approach having a relationship with women?

From the collective consciousness of Lemmy comments I have read, my impression is that the only appropriate thing is to be born into a marriage and never make any moves or even so much as look at a woman in your lifetime.

  • hendrik@palaver.p3x.de
    2 months ago

    Well, there’s a right point in time. You can start casual. And then you’d need to read the room. You can’t propose at the second date. But I’d say if the woman keeps agreeing to spend time with you, you can step it up. Like go to the cinema and watch some tear jerker. Or the new Minions movie, whatever floats your boat. I don’t really see the issue here. If you keep enjoying time together, you’ll proceed to a point where it’s alright to ask what to do with it. Be friends or start a relationship.