This is an amazing show; my personal fav of live action starwars. Stands out as nearly universally people like it. It’s been cool following the reddit discussions of articles. Search nearly any show or movie and check out popular reddit articles and there are people that hate it and say so; not Skeleton Crew tho. It’s like 100% of people love it or they recognize it isn’t the genre for them but highly appreciate it. I think it’s worthy of word of mouth spread so I’m doing my part telling you. It’s like a big adventure instead of a war. I have not seen Goonies (I should), but alot of people say it’s Goonies in space. We are on episode 5 of 8 and they release each tuesday at 6pm pst
I can tell right now this show is a flop because it’s been out nearly a month and this is literally the first time I’ve heard of it. Nothing in the run up to release, nothing in nearly a month since.
for comparison, here are ratings of all starwars movies .
I’d say what you are talking about is a combination of being for families instead of a ‘cool dramatic war movie’ and, according to forums, there was basically no advertisement because recent Star Wars had been terrible.
I’m still waiting to see ‘normal’ people taking about it or say it’s good. Is it as good as Andor?
It’s entirely different, but in its way good. It’s about a group of children, so of course it’s more like Stranger Things and less like Andor.
I tried watching the first episode recently. The initial scene was intriguing. Then it kicked off with the little kid character introductions and I noped out. I think I’m a few decades beyond bring its target demographic, and I didn’t have the capacity to deal with the cutesy ‘aww’ factor right now.
idk what the intended target demographic is, but you shouldn’t let kids watch this alone. it has the potential to be terrifying. that much is clear to me. so i guess it’s at least some sort of family show that’s also good for accompanying adults.
I’d agree it’s for families.
edit: went to the site they mention and actually now it’s in first.