Sister was messing around with a UV light and noticed this on her phone screen under it. My phone does not have this (all I get is a grid of dots I’m pretty sure are to do with the touch screen).

  • ColeSloth
    2 months ago

    I’m just not sure about that being correct, though. It shouldn’t be correct. I repair phones all the time, including screens and digitizers. All the adhesives are edge to edge. If this screen looks completely fine in normal light with no air gaps or peeling or anything, I can’t think of any reason why this would be going on. It can’t really exist where the oled and the digitizer/outer glass are.

    My guess is that it’s something attached to the back side of the oled, further inside the phone. The adhesive used to bind the oled and digitizer together doesn’t show up under UV light. There also wouldn’t be two different adhesives used.