due to the new rules of European Union, whatsapp has/had one year - iirc - to open the app to talk with other apps. iirc, this started on February/March of 2024 and we are in 2025. Anyone knows more details or news about it? This is ONLY applicable to European Union countrys, iirc.
For properly encrypted interoperability, they would have to release their source code and other apps would have to the implement the same encryption algorithms into their apps. Optimally they would just switch to a standardized lightweight encryption protocol that lots of other apps can easily add.
Lol. Most likely they would just Green-bubble non WhatsApp users with a big scary warning about unencrypted messages.
Whatsapp already uses Signals encryption scheme. Also, Element (the Matrix company) is working with Meta on opening up Whatsapp, with encryption of course: https://matrix.org/blog/2024/09/whatsapp-dma/