Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 14°C, max - 25°C. 95% chance of no rain

    30 days ago

    Hey - hugs. That’s shithouse. I have had similar nights and it’s exhausting and makes it very hard to rest. Especially when you are finally safe and your brain decides “hey are we safe now? Cool, I can start to process some of this old junk!!” Like, no man, give me a break for just a moment.

    Sharing only so you don’t think you are alone or that this is something forever - it will settle (noting everyone has different traumas and timescales). And so I can share a couple of triage things that have helped me.

    1. Warm shower. Concentrate gently on breathing, your feet on the floor and the sensation of the water. Think of it literally washing away all that shit, those feelings and just stand there until you start to feel regulated.
    2. Breathing exercise - specifically humming breath. You can sit but my favourite is to lie down on the floor with my feet on the bed so my back is flat and have a heavy blanket on my chest. Breathe in and out normally (but try to slow it down and keep it regular). On your out breathe just hum quietly. Just to yourself. You can play with the pitch and try to feel where it’s vibrating in your body. Or just hum. This is amazing for calming your nervous system.

    I know you did not ask for advice or help, so hope it’s ok to share. Hopefully it settles down soon and you can rest.