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    30 days ago

    Emotional flashbacks are a real thing and trauma symptoms absolutely ramp up once you’re out of a situation/things become quieter.

    I’m sorry dude, if you think seeing someone might help you could probably use the extra support. (But keep in mind not everyone clicks or has a useful approach for trauma so shop around.) Maybe try the Blue Knot Foundation or see if you can get some sessions funded through victims of crime. Berry st cuts off after 17 and waiting periods might mean becoming ineligible but give it a go

    Ps. Seeing the blue with closed eyes is due to phosphenes. There’s all this scary stuff on the internet but it doesn’t necessarily mean that anything scary or abnormal is happening. It’s a thing during meditation and might be more common under stress or with sleep disorders. Vertigo and dizziness are common in anxiety. It’s also possible to hear things as you’re falling asleep or waking, ie. hypnagogic hallucinations. This also may be more common under stress or with sleep disorders. Just in case those pieces of info are reassuring.