Hello em_poc hexbears! I’m so sorry this thread is late today, totally my bad. I hope the new year has been good for you all so far! Any plans, goals, resolutions? I’m going to try to read more theory this year!
As always, this thread is EM POC ONLY
Some dsa co-chairs told Blackredguard that they dont trust him, said he doesnt organize and that “MLK does not belong to Black people”.
That’s a really fucking weird thing to say lmao
Suckdems gonna suckdem, I guess.
People warned him about DSA. He was too optimistic, which was also very pessimistic but just says a lot about DSA.
Typical kkkrackkkerism
Ahh Socdems…
Holy fucking shit.
They’re really saying what’s in their hearts, huh? Man, as I’ve said before, fuck DSA.