• redhorsejacket@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Yes and no. There is an absolute avalanche of Star Wars media with knotty, interwoven stories charting all sorts of characters and their escapades before, during, and after the films’ time periods. However, 99% of this was jettisoned when Disney bought it. I believe they brought forward the original films, the prequels, The Clone Wars, and maybe a handful of other things, but all other media was siloed into the “Legends” continuity. Frankly, it’s a move I understand. While there are standouts among the Legends stories, there’s also a ton of dreck, made quickly and cheaply to cash in on the Star Wars boom of the 90s.

    Whats funny, though, is that Disney’s Marvel style approach to Star Wars (interconnected TV series, movies, games, etc.) has just started the rat’s nest of continuity snarls and incomprehensible lore all over again, with the same highly uneven results as far as quality goes.

    • Furbag@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      At least there were tiers of canon in old Star Wars. If there were ever inconsistencies in the lore, there was an easy way to determine which version of events was lore accurate and which was just a goof or a reimagining of events.

      Disney doesn’t seem to think there needs to be nuance like that in the stories. Axing the old canon was necessary for their new “everything with our stamp is canon” approach to work, but they haven’t exactly been the most diligent stewards of the lore since then.