The shitlibs and DNC tools are merging.
is this really a good thing
It’s definitely an interesting development. It’s much harder to say if it will be good or not. I don’t see substantial difference in the approaches of the AFL-CIO or their member-unions and SEIU except the latter is slightly more activist. Maybe the concentration of resources will free up lobbying and campaign money to be used in other more productive areas though I wouldn’t get too hopeful. It will shake up the labor councils all over the country though that might not mean much.
I think it also brings up a lot of questions about the last twenty years of the labor movement and what’s happening going forward. Did Change To Win succeed because SEIU style mixed organizing/lobbying is now the dominant strategy or did it fail because most of the unions are back under the AFL-CIO? Is this the labor movement cloistering together to defend their position in the face of a second Trump administration or is it in preparation for an offensive and maybe even a break from relying on the Democratic Party? Will this more effectively utilize resources or will it just lead to more confusion?
Idk the answers to any of these and I’m sure it will be a while before we find out.
Welcome to the social imperialist family 🥰
AFL-CIO’s Dark Past by Harry Kelber
Simpsons Soviet Union gif but with the Wobblies